1. Get Ubuntu One account:
Ubuntu One is a cloud which helps store, sync and share information in a Canonical cloud and it comes with 5 GB storage. Sign up for Ubuntu One account and log-in with the Ubuntu One app provided by Ubuntu and select folders to sync. The same log-in will be used in Ubuntu Software Center.2. Learn to Use Terminal:
Terminal is very important software in Ubuntu or Linux. It can be opened vary easily with the keyboard key combination: ctrl+alt+t or find "terminal" in dashboard search. Terminal is used to run commands. Try your first command in terminal. Write the following text line in terminal.
sudo apt-get update

It is recommended to run above command if you did offline installation. The above command will ask for administrator password and then will check for updates. Usually it is log-in password. It will also update the software catalog. So there will not be any problem while installing software packages later. It will take few minutes to complete.
2. Install Software Packages in Ubuntu:
Ubuntu comes with lot of useful software packages pre-installed like browser, office suite, document viewer, transmission etc. But a lot of packages has to be installed to fulfill different requirements.
So Ubuntu comes with a Software Center and have a great catalog of Software Packages and is properly categorized. Here is a list of few important software packages. Open the Software Updater app from dashboard and install the following software packages along with their add-ons listed in Ubuntu Software Center:
So Ubuntu comes with a Software Center and have a great catalog of Software Packages and is properly categorized. Here is a list of few important software packages. Open the Software Updater app from dashboard and install the following software packages along with their add-ons listed in Ubuntu Software Center:
- VLC - Read, capture, broadcast your multimedia streams
- Ubuntu Restricted Extras - Commonly used applications with restricted copyright (mp3, avi, mpeg, TrueType, Java, Flash, Codecs)
- 7zip - 7zip compression/un-compression tool includes rar support
- Chromium Web Browser - Browser to Access the Internet
- ia32-libs - Required to run 32 bit software on 64 bit platform.
- OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
- Klavaro - Yet another touch typing tutor
- Arista Transcoder - Convert multimedia for all your devices
- GParted Partition Editor - Create, reorganize, and delete partitions
- Multiget - Download Manager
- Stellarium - Planetarium
- GIMP Image Editor - Create images and edit photographs
- Blender - 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse ubuntu-restricted-extras ubuntu-restricted-addons flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound ttf-mscorefonts-installer p7zip-full p7zip-rar chromium-browser djview-plugin ia32-libs openjdk-7-jre icedtea-7-plugin klavaro arista gnome-codec-install python-webkit multiget stellarium gimp gimp-data-extras gimp-flegita gimp-gmic gimp-gutenprint gimp-plugin-registry gvfs-backends xcftools blender yafaray gparted
All these software packages are available from Ubuntu Software Center, But there will be lot more software packages which are needed to be download from the internet in the form of .deb packages.
If you intend to develop then you have to install many development related packages according to your needs. There are lot of them available in Ubuntu Software Center. For java, c, c++ you may need following.
- Oracle JDK 7
- build-essentials (Available from Ubuntu Software Center)
- Eclipse - Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (Available from Ubuntu Software Center)
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